How back pain can start at ground level.
Back pain is as frustrating as it is common, partly because the cause is seldom clear. Some suffer from back pain so severe they can barely move, and get to the point of asking themselves 'will my back pain ever go away?' For many, finding back pain relief might require focusing on an unlikely source: the positioning of your feet. When you walk, you put the force of as much as five times your body weight on each foot. If your feet aren’t absorbing that shock or redistributing it properly, you can develop issues that span all the way from your soles to your spine. Muscles in your back can become fatigued and inflamed and eventually spasm as they try to absorb the shock of your regular activity.
Foot issues like overpronation, supination or fallen arches, can lead to altered lower limb and pelvic biomechanics which increases the risk of injury throughout the body. Over time the repetitive strain on your body from poor alignment causes not only back pain but a host of other orthopedic ailments such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, Iliotibial band syndrome and more.
So what's the solution?
Find back pain relief by giving your body a stable base to walk on by wearing supportive insoles. Orthotic insoles help evenly distribute pressure, support the arch of your feet, cradle your heel's natural cushioning and prevent excessive lateral movement. This cradling support helps ensure neutral alignment in your body and corrects the common issues that can lead to problems with your alignment. The result is that your body's natural biomechanics are optimized, preventing excess strain in your knees, hips and back.