If you're a runner you'll have seen them all. From Marathon Mitch all the way to Huffing, Puffing Paul. No matter how or why you run, we all have one thing in common: we ask a lot of our bodies. We're better off when we give our feet the support they need. The best way to care for them is custom supportive insoles. Which kind of runner are you?
Runner 1: Marathon Mitch.
Mitch’s calves look like they could cut steel. He wears a singlet, those billowy ‘runner’ shorts, a cap and sunglasses, even when it’s drizzling. As he runs past you, you think about trying to match his pace. By the time the thought has moved from the back of your mind to the front, he’s already a small dot on the horizon. Mitch knows that wearing supportive insoles is the best way to protect his feet through mile 26.
Runner 2: Still-going Gloria.
Gloria’s been wearing the same visor since 1972. That visor has seen more mileage than your second-hand Toyota truck. Gloria runs with an easy, supple flow, probably because she woke up before dawn and went swimming in the icy ocean, just like her Dutch guru recommends. She always gives a smile and a nod as you run past. Gloria wears extra cushioning Active Thick insoles. She knows that the secret to going injury-free for another decade is taking care of her knees.
Runner 3: Old Sneakers Steve.
Steve’s running style can only be described as reluctant. He shuffles his feet like a teenager following his mother into the grocery store. His sneakers look like they’ve been at the back of his closet for a couple of years since he bought them, the last time he decided he should probably start running. Someone should tell Steve that if he’s going to wear beat up old sneakers, he should at least rejuvenate their support with some new insoles. He could grab a pair of SOLE Sport Mediums for a quarter of the price of new running shoes.
"It’s not entirely clear if that’s sweat or saliva collecting in his beard, but he doesn’t seem to care either way."
Runner 4: Becky with the good Beats.
Becky looks like she just got out of hair and makeup and she’s ready to go on screen. She rocks over-the-ear Beats by Dre headphones. You’d think those things would be uncomfortably hot, but that’s ok because for some unfathomable reason she’s immune to sweating. She’s in high-waisted tights, a sports bra and Nikes with a glittery gold swoosh. Becky is all about having the best gear, and she wouldn’t dream of running without a pair of the best insoles on the market.
Runner 5: Brandon with the good Becky.
Brandon could bench press Becky. He’s hoping she’ll let him if he keeps going on these runs with her. He’s slightly less reluctant than Steve, but that’s only because he loves the opportunity to show off his guns. Cardio isn’t Brandon’s cup of tea, but luckily he has supportive insoles in his gym shoes which will help his legs carry the unfamiliar repetitive strain.
Runner 6: Trail Tony.
Tony might burst out of the bushes at any minute, wide-eyed and wary, as if being close to other people makes him slightly uncomfortable. He wears what looks like a combination between a life jacket and body armor; overflowing with water bottles and energy bars. For some reason he has mud splashed up to his nipples, even though it hasn’t rained in days. Tony knows that having a stable base underfoot is important when tackling rough terrain, so he always has his Active Wide insoles in his wide trail shoes.
Runner 7: Huffing, Puffing, Paul.
You can hear Paul approaching from way behind you as he battles to get enough air into his lungs to maintain his effort. He’s always got a mild grimace on his face. It’s not entirely clear if that’s sweat or saliva collecting in his beard, but he doesn’t seem to care either way. He’s too busy taking his run very, very seriously. Paul takes his foot support as seriously as anything, and has custom moldable performance medium insoles in his running shoes.
It doesn't matter if you run at a mile a minute or if you're just out there to clear your head. Take care of your body by giving your feet the support they need!