When Jason broke his leg in a nasty mountain bike fall last year we all felt sorry for him, but we wouldn't say we were particularly surprised. Jason is a living embodiment of the SOLE of Adventure, and he couldn't be more at home in the outdoor industry. When we're at trade shows he moves from one easy conversation to the next, barely able to walk 50 meters without bumping into an old friend. But when his kids are home from school you better believe he's making time to take a call and hear all about their day. Here's a little more about our Director of Sales.

Name and Role at SOLE
Hi, I’m Jason Miller and I’m the Director of North American Sales at SOLE. I live in Austin, TX with my wife and 4 kids.
What does your job involve?
I manage all of our wholesale dealers in the US and Canada. It’s my job to build and sustain relationships with the people who are selling SOLE products in their communities. I am an advocate for both the retailers and our brand, constantly searching for a path that connects the two in the best way possible.
What year did you start working at SOLE?
October, 2018.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I love bikes and traveling in the tropical parts of the world. I can’t sit still, and always need something productive to do. I’m curious and am constantly exploring. I am drawn towards extremes in all things, and in a continuous battle back towards the middle path. Finding balance is essential to me, but not something that I easily achieve.
My family life is a bit crazy and that’s exactly how I want it. My wife and I are raising four kids in central Austin. Two of them are teenagers that will soon be graduating high school and two are just entering into elementary school. Three of my kids are adopted through the foster care system. Obviously, my family requires a lot of my time. I’m incredibly grateful to work from home so that I am able to be available for them.

Jason at his homemade climbing wall, and clinging to the real deal.
Give us a random fact/story about yourself.
For a period of about 2 years, I guided service based adventure trips in remote regions of Thailand. Once, I was tasked with developing a new 100 mile trail along the very remote border areas of Northwest Thailand and Burma. Along with my 3 closest Thai friends, I spent a week chopping through dense jungle with a machete. With no map, we navigated by talking with locals we met along the way. We carried very little with us and relied on the hospitality of the small villages in this area. We picked fruit from the trees, collected rain water to drink, and bought chickens off villagers for dinner. It was like stepping back in time, and one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

What do you love to do outside of work?
When I have a bit of free time, you’ll usually find me out in the woods riding my mountain bike. I’ve worked remote for most of the last 10 years, so “outside of work” is an interesting concept for me. My life is extremely fluid between work and “outside of work”.

What’s your favorite thing about working for SOLE/ReCORK?
I love how passionate everyone is about sustainability. It really drives every decision that is made, and many of our conversations are dominated by this topic. I also love the fact that our products are so helpful to so many people. It’s inspiring to hear continuous stories about how our Footbeds have helped people eliminate foot pain, back pain, etc.
What’s your favorite way to wear SOLE, or your favorite SOLE product?
Performance Thin — I wear them in my Vans to add some stiffness for Mountain Biking.
Flips — I have pairs of these everywhere. You’ll rarely find me in shoes.
Pick a meme or GIF that best describes you, or that you just love.
WTF is a meme or a GIF…..?